Noise is a nuisance. And there’s no industry immune from the hums and drums associated with its work. Be they deafening generators or thunderous events, excessive noise poses a serious threat to both physical and mental health.
Here are five of our top noise irritants, and how Echo Barrier can help eradicate them altogether.
The continuous clanging of a drill is nothing short of a nightmare, especially when there’s a jackhammer ripping up concrete in the street.
The close proximity of road, water and gas works to residential areas can bring with it both medical issues and noise complaints, equalling expensive bills to pay.
Be it for routine utility works or large-scale excavations, Echo Barrier products are built to be easily moved to the source of noise for maximum efficiency and provide protection to the public. They can also be fitted with branding as a boost to corporate image and community relations.
The drum of a generator isn’t just an annoyance on its own – most other works on a project site can’t carry on when it’s not running.
The constant rumble can be a real nuisance to both those working on site and living nearby, although it’s one that can be easily resolved.
Products like Echo Barrier’s H-EX Extension™ and Mini Genset M1™ are generator covers designed to offer exceptional noise absorption in all directions, saving unnecessary headaches.
Music festivals
While no-one is opposed to people enjoying live music, the inconvenience festivals can cause to local residents is no laughing matter.
Continuous noise from both performances and rowdy campsites pose a threat to the health of both attendees and residents alike. Indeed, there have been numerous examples of events being cancelled for breaking noise level restrictions or exceeding time limits.
Acoustic panels like Echo Barrier’s H8™ and H10™ can be quickly assembled together to create a sound wall, which not just prevents noise from escaping, but allows organisers optimises the volume for guests enjoying the show.
Rail works
If living close to a busy railway line isn’t enough of an annoyance during the day, it certainly is at night during maintenance and improvement works.
Engineers are left with little choice than to conduct most of their work at night to prevent disruption during peak hours, leaving residents with lasting headaches when it’s time to go to sleep.
But works don’t have to mean noise pollution thanks to Echo Barrier solutions that can reduce sound by as much as 20dB.
There can be few things louder in life than the sound of explosives triggering a collapse of concrete and bricks, but the preparation of buildings for demolition takes weeks or months of constant drilling to weaken structures.
Even smaller scale demolition works involving heavy machinery can still cause constant crashing sounds and vibrations, and with them a nightmare for those living nearby.
Echo Barrier products are not just great at minimising the spread of harmful dust, they help keep workers and residents safe from harmful levels of sound.
Echo Barrier can help
Echo Barrier is the world leader in noise abatement solutions, with its award-winning solutions designed by the industry’s brightest engineers.
Our H-Series™ of acoustic panels cut out the noise by as much as 99% and are designed for use in a range of environments – from construction sites to music festivals.
All products are lightweight, weatherproof and durable – with the H-Series™ products waterproof to both IPX6 and IPX9 and fire resistant to BS7837:1996.
Not only are they built for easy transportation, all barriers can be quickly installed and disassembled and are easily fitted onto fencing and scaffolding to fight moving noise sources.
Specialised applications are also available, including extra fire-resistant and extra-absorbent panels, in addition to those designed for use alongside pedestrian barriers.
No matter the industry, noise is an important area that should never be overlooked. Those who don’t take their responsibilities seriously face fines in the tens of thousands under the Control of Pollution Act 1974 and Environmental Protection Act 1990.
To learn more about how Echo Barrier can help your business, contact us for more information.