Night-time projects: How Echo Barrier can take away the stress of overnight work
There is no denying night-time works can be both a blessing and a curse for contractors. While it might help projects meet tight deadlines – it can prove an unbearable nuisance for local residents.
That’s why Echo Barrier products are designed to beat both the organisational and noise-related headaches.
What’s the problem?
Night-time work has become an increasingly popular means of completing projects for a reason – and that’s meeting the strict deadlines expected by developers. It is the same across industries, from highways work to utilities and beyond.
But while that might help with budgets on one hand, it opens the doors to floods of noise complaints and fines on the other.
Local authorities are granted powers under the Control of Pollution Act 1974 to limit the hours noisy works like construction can take place – although work deemed “unavoidable” such as highways and rail works can take place outside of restricted hours.
Contractors therefore need to implement noise abatement measures to stay on the right side of the law and ensure projects stay on track.
How Echo Barrier can help
Echo Barrier is the world-leading temporary noise solution. By delivering the highest level of noise reduction on the market, we minimise the risks of complaints – allowing you to get on with what you do best.
Our H-Series™ barriers are designed to be easily stored, transported and installed, allowing them to be swiftly moved to the source of noise as your project progresses.
This makes them particularly effective for both rail and highways works – with contractors typically preferring to work overnight to reduce disruption on commuters.
Such works are typically set to strict deadlines however, which can quickly be blown out of the water should residents complain about noise affecting their sleep.
What’s more, our barriers are also 100% weatherproof and fire resistant and built with the highest quality materials to deliver unmatched durability.
Want to find the right barrier for your project? Visit our products page to learn more.