As summer approaches, the temptation of pub gardens becomes irresistible. But while beer gardens have become a cherished part of British culture, they can be a headache for local residents – putting your business at risk of hefty fines.
Thankfully with the help of Echo Barrier, punters can raise a glass without raising the roof.
Noise and complaints
If a local resident makes a complaint about late-night noise from your establishment (exceeding the permitted level after 11pm) local authorities can act almost immediately.
Complaints can lead to action from local authorities in as little as 10 minutes should a Warning Notice be issued. These cover an entire premises (the land specified within the licence) – which may include your garden or outdoor area.
Should noise not stop – including customers chatting loudly – a £500 fixed penalty can be imposed. Persistent violations can see fines spiral to as much as £5,000 or lead to a criminal conviction.
If your current licence includes conditions to limit noise—such as prohibiting crowds from gathering on the pavement outside—it is crucial to adhere to these conditions.
How Echo Barrier can help
Pub gardens are great assets for licensed premises and can be a huge hook for customers, so it is best to think ahead and manage noise levels before they become a problem to neighbouring residents.
Thanks to targeted noise control measures including those from Echo Barrier, you can have the best of both.
Echo Barrier has become a trusted name among pubs, clubs and bars across the UK.
Our range of acoustic panels can be used outdoors and are designed to be easily transported, installed and put away. That makes them especially convenient to take down and store away come winter.
Unlike other noise abatement systems on the market, our products don’t reflect sound – they absorb it. That helps relieve the stresses and subsequent headaches of those living nearby.
Our award-winning H-Series™ products are also fully water resistant to IPX6/9, frost resistant up to -40C and fully fire resistant to ASTM E84 and BS 7837-1996 – so there is no need to worry about exposing them to the elements.
Visit our products page to find the best solutions for your needs, or give our team a call on 0845 561 3246.