Festival season is rapidly approaching as organisers race to ensure all safety and security plans are in place. But one area crucial not to overlook the importance of is noise abatement.
Here, we look at how using Echo Barrier products won’t just protect festival organisers from noise complaints and shutdowns – but optimise the experience for revellers.
Noise pollution and festivals
Festival organisers who fail to implement noise mitigation plans open themselves up to costly complaints, fines and shutdowns.
Organisers should plan effectively ahead of time and ensure noise mitigation is covered in detail as part of any application. Planning ahead of time is key.
Any events deemed to be causing a statutory nuisance under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 can be served abatement notices by local authorities. Failure to comply is a criminal offence, which if leads to prosecution can result in an unlimited fine.
No festival is exempt from complaints or local authority action. Indeed the famous Glastonbury Festival was ordered to reduce noise levels in 2019 after a record number of noise complaints.
The “Pop Code” outlined by the Noise Council sets out effective guidelines for festivals to follow, outlining a limit of up to 75dB exposure over a 15-minute period for smaller urban festivals and 65dB in rural settings.
Why Echo Barrier?
Echo Barrier’s series of multi-award-winning noise abatement solutions are designed not just to keep revellers safe from harmful noise, but protect organisers from complaints and optimise the festival experience for all stakeholders.
Our barriers harness industry leading technology to absorb sound and reduce its impact on health and wellbeing.
They also enhance sound quality at events by minimising sound reflections and noise from nearby stages.
Every barrier is designed to be easily attached to site fencing and is just as simple to take down, store and transport.
What’s more, our barriers can also be customised to reflect your company branding and demonstrate your commitment to health and safety.
A proven track record
Echo Barrier has worked with large-scale event organisers around the world in implementing effective noise mitigation plans and solutions.
That includes the Arundel Festival, which had faced an increasing number of noise complaints as the festival grew each year.
Our award-winning acoustic barriers were placed between stages to prevent sound transfer, alongside on key infrastructure sites throughout the town.
More than 40,000 revellers attended the festival and organisers received praise from the local community for how its use of Echo Barrier products reduced noise.
In the USA Echo Barrier worked with Party Organisers Splash House to build a wall of barriers to help contain the sounds from a After Party in Las Vegas.
If you are organising a music festival and are in need of noise abatement support, contact the team today.